Has the Paragard IUD Caused More Trouble Than Benefits to Women?

IQ Newswire
6 Min Read

It’s 2024, and women have full agency to select the birth control method they want to use. Most want to move beyond the hormonal pills that cause mood swings and other side effects. However, for advanced birth control IUDs (intrauterine devices), it might seem slightly freaky to have a device implanted in your body for years.

But Lauren Streicher, an associate professor of gynecology at the Feinberg School of Medicine, states that it is secure, effective, and completely foolproof. Women had this notion about the Paragard IUD, a copper birth control device. It has been in use since the 1980s and helped women avoid pregnancy.

However, recent lawsuits state this device is susceptible to breakage and can get embedded in other organs. That brings us to a million-dollar question: has the Paragard IUD caused more bane than a boon? This is what this article is all about. 

Women and Paragard IUD: The Health Hazards

According to a Drugwatch report, Stephanie Ideus, a Nebraska woman, had filed a Paragard lawsuit against Teva Pharmaceuticals. She had been using this copper IUD, and during the removal process, it broke and got embedded in her uterus. To correct this condition, she had to undergo surgery, which caused her much pain.

Even Ashlie Gilbert’s experience, as reported in the WLJA story, exposed defects in this device. In her account, she shared that she experienced complete shock when she found out that her IUD broke inside her body.

Ashlie shared that the reason she was attracted to the Paragard IUD was because it provided a non-hormonal alternative to birth control permanently. She had the device implanted in her body for about a decade. As she decided to remove it, she realized a 5-minute process led to prolonged turmoil.

The Paragard IUD didn’t just break inside her body, but it was also missing somewhere in her uterus. She said if she hadn’t asked for an appointment with her OB-GYN, she would have been oblivious to this. Finally, she shared that if only she had known about this defect before, she wouldn’t have opted for this device.

Such experiences are enough to make women feel that what might seem to be initially useful can be a hassle later. Hence, women must know more about the Paragard IUD and make an informed decision.

Other Side Effects of Paragard IUD

Several other women, like Ashlie and Stephanie, have faced severe side effects of Paragard IUD and have suffered immensely. Device breakage is a fatal consequence, but not the only one. There are other serious complications as well, such as ectopic pregnancy, septic abortion, acute infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, and uterus perforation.

Other side effects include:

  • Vaginitis
  • Painful periods
  • Spotting in between periods
  • Complete or partial expulsion
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Backache
  • Anemia
  • Cramping

Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the legal complaints against Paragard IUD have been increasing. According to the June 2024 update, nearly 2,690 lawsuits were pending, and 2,772 cases were filed under the MDL. Even the first bellwether trial cases are scheduled for 2024.

If you have faced any health hazards after using Paragard IUD, you must seek legal recourse. That way, you not only get the compensation you deserve but also raise awareness about the side effects of this device.

TorHoerman Law states that affected women should consult a lawyer if they want to file a legal complaint. The lawyer will study the details you share with them and determine whether you qualify for a lawsuit. After that, they will use necessary pieces of evidence, such as medical data, device invoices, duration of use, list of health complications, surgeries required, and other healthcare data to build a solid case.

Your lawyer will present the challenges you faced after using the Paragard IUD, highlight your suffering, and ensure you get the compensation you deserve. The settlement payout will vary from one person to the next depending on individual suffering. However, once you receive the compensatory amount, you can cover all the economic and non-economic damages you’ve endured.

In conclusion, the Paragard IUD seemed to be beneficial for women, but the recurring lawsuits had another story to reveal. Issues like device breakage and uterus perforation made many women reconsider their decision about this IUD. Also, it isn’t for every woman. For instance, if you suffer from an active infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, cancer, or even allergies, you shouldn’t be using this device.

However, if you are free from any existing health condition and have suffered after using the Paragard IUD, seek both medical and legal help.

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